As an employer with Mas, your incentive claims are now completed online.
Where a SmartForm claim is issued, you must complete the claim online. Mas are unable to process printed claim forms.
Questions with a red asterisk (*) at the end are essential for your claim. All other questions are optional.
Throughout the SmartForm, click the information symbols (ⓘ) to ensure the evidence you upload is sufficient for Mas to process the claim.
Page 1 will have all of your details populated already. If any of these need updating, click continue at the bottom of the page, then update them on the second page of the claim form. If you are having difficulties updating your details, please contact your local Mas Consultant for further assistance.
Wage evidence/payslips can be uploaded where the Apprentice is unavailable to co-authorise the claim. Where this option is used, the pay period must cover the effect date of the claim.
SmartForms are valid for 60 days from the last time saved. If your claim has expired then contact the Mas team on 1300 627 628 and we will be able to send you a new one.
Claims must be submitted within 12 months of their effect date for them to be paid.
For incentives paid to the employer, the bank account name must match the legal or trading name of the business. For incentives paid to the Apprentice, the bank account must be in the Apprentice’s name.
For commencement claims to be approved, Mas must have the apprentice, employer and Registered Training Organisation’s signatures all on file. This is in the format of either a Signed Training Plan or a RTO Declaration form. If you’re unsure of where to obtain either of these documents, you can call the Mas team on 1300 627 628
For registrations in NSW, SA, TAS and QLD, MAS National will already have the required documents on file as a part of the registration process with the State Training Authorities. If your Apprenticeship is registered in these states, simply click ‘My Network Provider has the necessary evidence’ in your Claim SmartForm.
The State Training Authority must confirm successful completion of the Apprenticeship prior to Mas issuing a Completion Claim SmartForm.
If you need assistance at any point call us on 1300 627 628.